

Paying with Escrow.com

Simply put, Escrow.com is the world's most trusted service to securely purchase and transfer domain names.

Upon clicking the "Buy-It-Now" button, you will be taken to a secure page on Escrow.com.

You will need to create a new customer account if you don't already have one to continue the transaction.

Within your account you will be able to securely manage the payment and transfer process of your new domain.

Upon your confirmation that Evokare.com is securely in your possession, your payment will be released to us, completing the transaction.

Other Payment Options

PayPal, Venmo, ACH and more...


If you would prefer the fastest delivery of your new domain, we can arrange other options including PayPal, Venmo, ACH and others.

In most cases, domain transfers can be securely in your account within 24 hours after payment, saving you considerable time.

Contact us at to make arrangements.

About Us

We have been selling domain names for over 20 years to entrepreneurs, start-ups, and companies of all sizes.

Our new website, CuratedDomains.com, will be live Spring 2022.

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